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Best practices

This is a chapter from the book Kotlin Coroutines. You can find it on LeanPub or Amazon.

I will finish this book with my humble set of best practices. They've all been discussed in the book already, so you might treat this as a brief summary, but I hope it will help you remember and apply them in your everyday practice.

Don't use async with an immediate await

It makes no sense to define an asynchronous task with async if we want to await its completion without doing any operations during that time.

// Don't suspend fun getUser(): User = coroutineScope { val user = async { repo.getUser() }.await() user.toUser() } // Do suspend fun getUser(): User { val user = repo.getUser() return user.toUser() }

There are cases where this transformation is not so simple. If you need a scope, instead of async { ... }.await(), use coroutineScope. If you need to set a context, use withContext.

When you start a few async tasks, all of them except the last one need to use async. In this case, I suggest using async for all of them for readability.

fun showNews() { viewModelScope.launch { val config = async { getConfigFromApi() } val news = async { getNewsFromApi(config.await()) } val user = async { getUserFromApi() } // async not // necessary here, but useful for readability view.showNews(user.await(), news.await()) } }

Use awaitAll

The awaitAll function should be preferred over map { it.await() } because awaitAll stops waiting when the first async task throws an exception, while map { it.await() } awaits these coroutines one after another until this process reaches one that fails.

Suspending functions should be safe to call from any thread

When you call a suspending function, you shouldn't be worried that it might block the thread you're currently using. This is especially important on Android, where we often use Dispatchers.Main; however, it is also important on the backend, where you might be using a dispatcher limited to a single thread for synchronization.

Each suspending function that needs to make blocking calls should use Dispatchers.IO or a custom dispatcher that is designed to be blocked. Each dispatcher that might be CPU-intensive should use Dispatchers.Default or Dispatchers.Default with limited parallelism. These dispatchers should be set using withContext so that function calls don't need to set these dispatchers themselves.

class DiscSaveRepository( private val discReader: DiscReader ) : SaveRepository { override suspend fun loadSave(name: String): SaveData = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {"save/$name") } }

Functions that return Flow should specify a dispatcher using flowOn, which changes the context for all the steps above it, so it is typically used as the last step in a function.

Whether or not Dispatchers.Main.immediate should be used explicitly in suspending functions that update Android views is a controversial topic. Your decision should depend on your project's policy. We don't need to use it in layers where Dispatchers.Main is considered the default dispatcher, like in the presentation layer in many Android projects.

If you want to unit test these classes, remember that you need to inject a dispatcher so it can be overridden for unit testing.

class DiscSaveRepository( private val discReader: DiscReader, private val dispatcher: CoroutineContext = Dispatchers.IO ) : SaveRepository { override suspend fun loadSave(name: String): SaveData = withContext(dispatcher) {"save/$name") } }

Use Dispatchers.Main.immediate instead of Dispatchers.Main

Dispatchers.Main.immediate is an optimized version of Dispatchers.Main that avoids coroutine redispatching if it isn't necessary. We generally prefer to use it.

suspend fun showUser(user: User) = withContext(Dispatchers.Main.immediate) { userNameElement.text = // ... }

Remember to use yield in heavy functions

It is good practice to use yield in suspending functions between blocks of non-suspended CPU-intensive, blocking or time-intensive operations. This function suspends and immediately resumes the coroutine, thus it supports cancellation. Calling yield also allows redispatching, thanks to which one process will not starve other processes.

suspend fun cpuIntensiveOperations() = withContext(Dispatchers.Default) { cpuIntensiveOperation1() yield() cpuIntensiveOperation2() yield() cpuIntensiveOperation3() } suspend fun blockingOperations() = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { blockingOperation1() yield() blockingOperation2() yield() blockingOperation3() }

Inside coroutine builders, you can also use ensureActive.

Understand that suspending functions await completion of their children

A parent coroutine cannot complete before its children, and coroutine scope functions, like coroutineScope or withContext, suspend their parent until their coroutines are completed. As a result, they await all the coroutines they've started.

import kotlinx.coroutines.* //sampleStart suspend fun longTask() = coroutineScope { launch { delay(1000) println("Done 1") } launch { delay(2000) println("Done 2") } } suspend fun main() { println("Before") longTask() println("After") } // Before // (1 sec) // Done 1 // (1 sec) // Done 2 // After //sampleEnd

Notice that ending a coroutine scope function with launch makes no sense because nothing would change if we deleted it.

suspend fun updateUser() = coroutineScope { // ... // Don't launch { sendEvent(UserSunchronized) } }

We expect suspending functions to await completion of coroutines they've started. They can overcome this expectation by using an external scope, but we should avoid doing this if there is no good reason.

suspend fun updateUser() = coroutineScope { // ... eventsScope.launch { sendEvent(UserSunchronized) } }

Understand that Job is not inherited: it is used as a parent

One of the biggest misunderstandings which causes mistakes in projects using Kotlin Coroutines comes from the fact that the Job context is the only context that is not inherited. Instead, a Job from a parent or argument is used as the parent of a coroutine.

Let's take a look at some examples. Adding SupervisorJob as a coroutine builder argument is pointless as it changes nothing.

// Don't fun main() = runBlocking(SupervisorJob()) { launch { delay(1000) throw Error() } launch { delay(2000) println("Done") } launch { delay(3000) println("Done") } } // (1 sec) // Error...

Job is the only context that is not inherited. Each coroutine needs its own job, and passing a job to a coroutine makes the passed job the parent of this coroutine job. So, in the snippet above, SupervisorJob is the parent of runBlocking. When a child has an exception, this exception propagates to the runBlocking coroutine, breaks the Job coroutine, cancels its children, and throws an exception. The fact that SupervisorJob is a parent has no practical implication.

I see a similar mistake even more often whenwithContext is used together with SupervisorJob.

// Don't suspend fun sendNotifications( notifications: List<Notification> ) = withContext(SupervisorJob()) { for (notification in notifications) { launch { client.send(notification) } } }

Using SupervisorJob this way is pointless. When I see this, I can generally guess that the intention is to silence exceptions in children. The proper way to do this is to use supervisorScope, which ignores exceptions in its direct children.

// Do suspend fun sendNotifications( notifications: List<Notification> ) = supervisorScope { for (notification in notifications) { launch { client.send(notification) } } }

Using withContext(Job()) is pointless and should also be considered a mistake.

Don't break structured concurrency

The mistakes we presented above are not only pointless but also harmful. Whenever you set an explicit Job as a coroutine context, you break the relationship with this coroutine's parent. Take a look at the example below. The problem with using Job as an argument to the coroutine is that it is set as the parent of this coroutine. As a result, withContext is not a child of the coroutine that called this function. When this coroutine is cancelled, our coroutine will not be, therefore the processes inside it will continue and waste our resources. Using an external job or scope breaks structured concurrency, prevents proper cancellation, and leads to memory leaks as a result.

// Don't suspend fun getPosts() = withContext(Job()) { val user = async { userService.currentUser() } val posts = async { postsService.getAll() } posts.await() .filterCanSee(user.await()) }

Use SupervisorJob when creating CoroutineScope

When we create a scope, we can freely assume that we don't want an exception in one coroutine that was started using this scope to cancel all the other coroutines. For that, we need to use SupervisorJob instead of Job, which is used by default.

// Don't val scope = CoroutineScope(Job()) // Do val scope = CoroutineScope(SupervisorJob())

Consider cancelling scope children

Once a scope has been cancelled, it cannot be used again. If you want to cancel all the tasks started on a scope but you might want to keep this scope active, cancel its children. Keeping a scope active costs nothing.

fun onCleared() { // Consider doing scope.coroutineContext.cancelChildren() // Instead of scope.cancel() }

On Android, instead of defining and cancelling custom scopes, you should use the viewModelScope, lifecycleScope and lifecycle-aware coroutine scopes from the ktx libraries because these are cancelled automatically.

Before using a scope, consider under which conditions it is cancelled

One of my favorite heuristics for using Kotlin Coroutines on Android is "choosing what scope you should use is choosing when you want this coroutine cancelled". Each view model provides its own viewModelScope, which is cancelled when this view model is finalized. Each lifecycle owner has its own lifecycleScope, which is cancelled when this lifecycle is completed. We use these scopes instead of some shared global scope because we want our coroutines cancelled when they are not needed. Starting a coroutine on another scope means it will be cancelled under other conditions. Coroutines started on GlobalScope will never be cancelled.

class MainViewModel : ViewModel() { val scope = CoroutineScope(SupervisorJob()) fun onCreate() { viewModelScope.launch { // Will be cancelled with MainViewModel launch { task1() } // Will never be cancelled GlobalScope.launch { task2() } // Will be cancelled when we cancel scope scope.launch { task2() } } } }

Don't use GlobalScope

It is too easy to use GlobalScope, so it might be tempting, but I would avoid doing that and instead create at least a very simple scope with only SupervisorJob as its context.

val scope = CoroutineScope(SupervisorJob()) fun example() { // Don't GlobalScope.launch { task() } // Do scope.launch { task() } }

GlobalScope means no relation, no cancellation, and is hard to override for testing. Even if GlobalScope is all you need now, defining a meaningful scope might be helpful in the future.

// GlobalScope definition public object GlobalScope : CoroutineScope { override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext get() = EmptyCoroutineContext }

Avoid using Job builder, except for constructing a scope

When you create a job using the Job function, it is created in the active state regardless of the state of its children. Even if some children have completed, this doesn't mean their parents have also completed.

import kotlinx.coroutines.* //sampleStart suspend fun main(): Unit = coroutineScope { val job = Job() launch(job) { delay(1000) println("Text 1") } launch(job) { delay(2000) println("Text 2") } job.join() // Here we will await forever println("Will not be printed") } // (1 sec) // Text 1 // (1 sec) // Text 2 // (runs forever) //sampleEnd

It is possible for such a Job to complete, but only if its complete method is first called and its state is then changed from "Active" to "Completing", where it waits until its children are finished. However, you cannot start new coroutines on completing or completed jobs. A more practical approach is to use a job reference to await its children (job.children.forEach { it.join() }). In most cases, the simplest solution is to await the job returned by a coroutine builder. Most common cases include storing the active task job in a variable, or collecting the jobs of all the started coroutines.

class SomeService { private var job: Job? = null private val scope = CoroutineScope(SupervisorJob()) // Every time we start a new task, // we cancel the previous one. fun startTask() { cancelTask() job = scope.launch { // ... } } fun cancelTask() { job?.cancel() } }
class SomeService { private var jobs: List<Job> = emptyList() private val scope = CoroutineScope(SupervisorJob()) fun startTask() { jobs += scope.launch { // ... } } fun cancelTask() { jobs.forEach { it.cancel() } } }

My general recommendation is to avoid using Job builder, except when constructing a scope.

Functions that return Flow should not be suspending

A flow represents a certain process that is started using the collect function. Functions that return Flow define such processes, and their execution is postponed until these processes are started. This is very different from suspending functions, which are supposed to execute processes themselves. Mixing these two concepts is counterintuitive and problematic.

As an example, consider that you need a function that fetches services to observe and then observes them. This is a problematic implementation:

// Don't use suspending functions returning Flow suspend fun observeNewsServices(): Flow<News> { val newsServices = fetchNewsServices() return newsServices .asFlow() .flatMapMerge { it.observe() } } suspend fun main() { val flow = observeNewsServices() // Fetching services // ... flow.collect { println(it) } // Start observing }

It is counterintuitive that part of the process is executed when observeNewsServices is called, and part is executed when we start collecting. Also, if we collect later, we will still use news items that were fetched in the past. This is problematic and counterintuitive. We expect that functions that return Flow pack the whole process into this flow.

To improve the function above, the most common intervention involves packing suspend calls into a flow.

fun observeNewsServices(): Flow<News> { return flow { emitAll(fetchNewsServices().asFlow()) } .flatMapMerge { it.observe() } } suspend fun main() { val flow = observeNewsServices() // ... flow.collect { println(it) } // Fetching services // Start observing }

An alternative is, as always, to make a suspending function that awaits the completion of its process.

suspend fun fetchNewsFromServices(): List<News> { return fetchNewsServices() .mapAsync { it.observe() } .flatten() } suspend fun main() { val news = fetchNewsFromServices() // Fetching services // Start observing // ... }

Prefer a suspending function instead of Flow when you expect only one value

I will finish this collection with the most controversial suggestion. Consider the function below. What values do you expect its flow to emit?

interface UserRepository { fun getUser(): Flow<User> }

I would expect it to emit a user whenever it is changed, not only the current state. This is because the Flow type represents a source of values. To represent a single deferred value, we use suspending functions.

interface UserRepository { suspend fun getUser(): User }

Contrary to this rule, many applications, especially Android applications, use Flow instead of suspending functions wherever possible. I understand the reasons behind this: some teams have used RxJava before and they don't want to change their habits. As my friend said, "I'm a RxJava senior, but a Kotlin Coroutines junior. I don't like being a junior, but Flow is like RxJava, so maybe I am a Flow mid".

On Android, developers have one more reason. It's become popular to represent mutable states using StateFlow, and Flow can be easily transformed into StateFlow using the stateIn function. So, operating on Flow is convenient.

class LocationsViewModel( locationService: LocationService ) : ViewModel() { private val location = locationService.observeLocations() .map { it.toLocationsDisplay() } .stateIn( scope = viewModelScope, started = SharingStarted.Lazily, initialValue = LocationsDisplay.Loading, ) // ... }

If you join a team that uses Flow everywhere, it's best to follow your team's conventions. Every team has its own style and practices. However, if you can choose - maybe because you're designing a greenfield project, or maybe because you've just introduced coroutines - I suggest you don't use flow where you expect only a single value. This will make your code simpler, easier to understand, and more efficient.

Before we close this chapter, I want you to remember this sentence: Best practices sometimes need to be violated; they are guidelines for standard situations, not rules for every situation.