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Get an ebook if you have a paperback!

Many people ask us if they can have one of our books in ebook form if they purchased paperback. Now we are happy to answer: Yes, you can! We are happy to announce the following promotion: If you bought a paperback of any of the books from Kotlin for developers' series, and you want to have this book in an ebook form, you need to post a photo of yourself with this book on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Reddit, and then let us know. In response, we will send you a coupon for free ebook on LeanPub. This promotion lasts until the end of 2023, so if you receive our book for Christmas, you can still receive ebook from us as well :)

Here is what this photo might look like:

We hope the message will be from your heart, feel free to write anything. You can mention Kt. Academy (@ktdotacademy) or the author (@marcinmoskala), but you do not need to.